Vintage NASA Animated Logos for both the NASA Worm and Meatball Logo Designs
What could be more cooler than seeing some NASA Animated Logos for both the Worm & Meatball logo.
The first one of the spinning Worm logo is from 1977, but not sure about the 2 below, presumably from around the same time.
If you visit the Internet Archives, you’ll likely come across a lot of other great vintage NASA stuff, so certainly worth poking around for a bit.
“Aeronautics And Space Report 1977”
If you DO visit Aeronautics And Space Report 1977 then you’re in for a treat!
NASA’s annual report of its projects including the Space Shuttle, the Voyagers, Landsat, aeronautics, Spacelab, HEAO-1, and energy research.
There’s a super cool video of the Space Shuttle Enterprise aboard the two of the 747 (screenshot above), which is just skin tingling to watch, and it’s around these archive pages that I found the next 2 logo animations.
The Space Shuttle Enterprise, (Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-101) was the first orbiter of the Space Shuttle system. Rolled out on September 17, 1976, it was built for NASA as part of the Space Shuttle program to perform atmospheric test flights after being launched from a modified Boeing 747.[1]
The following 2 NASA animations I found via the Internet Archives under the title, “Aeronautics And Space Report 1977”
Super Cool Retro NASA Animated Logo ID
Then there’s this one animated NASA logo: For a while, before I posted this, I actually thought it was a genuine NASA production, but turns out it was created by a Redditor, going by the user name _Charlie : I designed this retro-futuristic NASA logo animation
There’s also a YouTube version, which looks slightly cleaner: