Do you need a new company website design, and/or a new logo designed, or looking to redesign/update an existing business logo & brand identity?
If so, then the easiest way to Hire Smithographic is to fill in the short Register Interest form below to get the ball rolling. Please give me a ballpark budget; it’s not set in stone, but it does give me a better chance of managing expectations.
Register your Interest
The Full-Length Design Brief
If you are ready to fill in the full-length Design Brief, then you can do so by downloading the form with the following link:
It is important that you take time to be as descriptive as possible with your answers. In order for me to have the best chance of creating a logo that represents your company; the bigger the picture you can draw for me, the better I’ll be able to understand what it is I need to design for.
Some of the questions below may not be applicable to you, so just leave those ones out.
→ Download Logo Design Brief Template
Download a ZIP file that contains the logo design brief template in popular file formats: .pages, .rtf, .pdf, .doc, and .txt. If you need the template in another format, then please do just send me an email, and I’ll see what I can do.
Text Version of the Logo Design Brief
Below is a complete text copy of the Logo Design Brief, which you can Copy & paste the questions into an email, or a text document; write your answers underneath, and email me the finished email/document.
Your Contact Information
→ Name:
→ Website URL:
→ Telephone:
→ Email:
Company Logo Information
→ Logo Wording:
Please detail exact wording for the company logo, as it might be slightly different to your actual business or company name. For example, for me it’s The Logo Smith, for Coke it’s Coca-Cola.
→ Tag-line:
If you have an existing business tag line, which needs to form part of the logo, then please include that.
If you don’t have a tag line, then I’d strongly recommend that we work on creating one for you. A good tag line can often form the platform for the visual direction of the logo; helps set and reinforce a narrative.
→ Reason for Logo Redesign: (if applicable)
If you are looking to redesign your company logo, be it an update, refresh or complete overhaul (maybe you’re completely starting again in terms of your existing logo and brand identity), then please explain any reasoning/motivation behind this decision.
It is exceptionally important that I understand the reasoning behind any business logo or brand update. If you feel it’s easier to explain this to me over the phone, instead of writing, then please add that request here instead.
→ Logo Usage and Applications:
Where and how do you plan to use the logo design? It’s important that I know how small and how large the logo might be used, as well as other physical and digital applications.
Some examples, but far from complete: business stationery and promotional literature; internal signage; external signage; vehicle livery; branded clothing; mobile phone application icons; website; large scale commercial advertising; bus shelters; billboards, etc)
→ What Style of Logo Design Inspires You?
If you have a style of logo design aesthetic that you are drawn to, then please list examples.
You may have a mood board of company and business logo designs you like, or some other form of list, so just send me anything you have that will help me better understand what you are hoping to see.
Company Information
→ What is your Brand About?
This is where I need you to be descriptive and detailed as possible. You need to sell what you/your company does so I can understand, to the best of my abilities, what I am designing a logo and/or brand identity for.
→ Elevator Pitch:
Think along the lines of the Elevator Pitch: you have just a minute, or two, to enthusiastically explain, and describe, what your brand is before I exit the elevator.
→ Unique Selling Point:
What makes your brand Unique? What makes your ‘thing’ different and/or better than your competitors? What does it offer that nothing else does?
→ Target Audience:
Crucial to know who your brand needs to ideally target, to ensure the best possible uptake. The more I can understand your Audience, the more I’m able to develop a logo with the correct attributes.
Aspects to consider: Gender, Age Range, Geographical Considerations, Income Level etc.
→ Direct Competition:
Who do you compete against? Please list names, and URL’s, if possible.
→ Indirect Competition:
You may have competitors that although are not a direct threat, do share some similarities with what you do. Please list names, and URL’s if possible.
→ Premises and Location:
Where do you work from? For example: Office, Home, On-the-Road, Shared Space etc.
→ Number of Staff:
Budget & Deliverables
→ What is your Budget?
It really is a simple case of the more you can afford, the more time I can invest in the brainstorming, idea generation phase, and this is really where the difference between the average idea, and perfect idea falls. The more ideas you can work through, the higher the probability of ending up with something perfectly suited to it’s intended purpose.
Lower budgets simply mean I have to watch the clock, so although they will be lacking in research and brainstorming, I’ll still design a solid, clean and good looking logo.
→ Deliverables Required:
If you require other deliverables, other than the main brand logo design, then please list these.
Examples could be: stationery design, application icon, social media images, interior/exterior signage designs, logo guidelines, etc.
→ Project Timeline:
If you have a certain timeline in mind, then please let me know. If you have time on your side, and have no immediate pressing deadlines, then all the better.
→ Any other Information?
If you have other information that would be useful, then please do provide it.