The Mono Marks Book: My 1st Self Published Perfect Bound Logo Design Book
After finishing the design for my Mono Mark Collection Posters, I realised that all of these would look pretty great in a book format, so here we are: The Mono Marks Book.
Starting the Self Publishing Journey
I’ve only just started collating all my Mono Marks that I’ve designed over many many years; most of which taken from my logo design portfolio, and will be placing one Mono Mark per page.
Each Mono mark design will have a double page spread, which will show both: Positive (left side), and Negative (right side).
I’m really excited about this project, and it’ll no doubt take some time for me to fully thrash out the best layouts, the sort of accompanying text and other aspects to include, not to mention working out the logistics for printing and binding etc.
Mono Marks: Mostly a Self Indulgence
My intention is for it to be mostly a rather large self indulgent side-project, but might also take the form of a marketing gift to clients, and even possibly selling/giving away as Limited Edition copies.
Here are a few early initial mock-up’s: