Logo Specification Sheets – 5 Page Logo Template For Download

As my previous logo guideline and specification sheets: 1 Page Logo & 4 Page Logo & Identity Templates, I now bring you the Logo Specification Sheets – 5 Pack Template For Download.

I have had these logo template specification sheets for Abacus Insurance Brokers (above) stuffed away in my digital archive in the cloud for a few months now, and didn’t even think that they might be of use to other people.

So in the same vein as my previous logo guideline and specification sheets: Single Page Logo & Four Page Logo & Identity Templates, I now proudly bring you the Logo Specification Sheets – 5 Pack Logo Template For Download.

Little Background

During the development of the Abacus logo and identity redesign, it became apparent that a few versions of the logo would be needed. There is a version for the exterior building signage, one version for the website, a version for social media etc.

Each version of the logo had slightly different proportions and layout depending on the inclusion of the tag-line as well as the word ‘Brokers’. This would mean each physical logo requiring slightly different spacial requirements.

Made perfect sense to create a single logo guideline sheet for each variation to account for these differing spacial requirements, and by creating individual sheets we made the whole logo specification system a breeze to add to, update with and expand on.

5 Pack Logo Template For Download

The download basically includes one Adobe Illustrator file with 5 individual pages. I have removed all instances of the Abacus logo and wording (as shown below), but retained the various backgrounds and grids which hopefully provides you with a decent structure to amend and alter as you see fit.

Each sheet shares a common right side which has information on the colour palette and typeface selections. The left side just alters a little depending on the logo proportions, so each sheet has a respectable continuity. You can see how each version of the Abacus logo looks if you take a quick look at the Abacus project page.

You’ll get a font warning upon opening as I haven’t converted any of the text to outlines so just substitute the missing fonts for your own. This should ultimately make it easier for you to customise.

If you find this download useful then please do share it, but please don’t re-purpose this as your own downloadable template. People have done that with my previous logo templates and that just really sucks.

→ Download 5 Pack Logo Specification Templates