Valentin, a photographer from Germany, has created his own library of free stock photography, called AuthenticSnaps. All you need to do in order to get 5 new AuthenticSnap photographs delivered by email, is sign up.
Once you do sign up, and verify your email, you’ll immediately get a link to download the latest pack of 5 AuthenticSnaps photographs.
Get 5 authentic, high quality photos in your inbox every week. For free. Say goodbye to boring stock photography. Impress your visitors, fans and clients with authentic photos.
Valentin also provides a premium access option which will give you access to his entire photo library PLUS an additional 30 photographs each month, and various other photo sets/packs.
Other Free Photography Websites
See also: Unsplash, Gratisography, PicJumbo
Latest (December 2014) AuthenticSnap Photo Pack