More logo design tips for the creative designer
Every so often I add sections to my logo design brief form (always a work in progress), currently hosted by Google Docs. Anything to help in with the ‘getting to know your client and their business’ makes for a more exact and satisfying project. To this end I came by something else that one could add that I feel in some instances could be very informative and valuable.
It was quite by chance actually, during a conversation with a new client the other day. After they had filled in my own logo design brief, we arranged to have a conference call to further discuss the possibility of working together and what it was I needed from them in order to ‘get them’.
Logo Design Tip: Testimonials and Perception
When I asked them to try and describe their good points, the MD jumped in with an interesting thought, it was all about how their existing clients viewed them and the product. It turns out that they a number of stellar testimonials, letters of praise, emails of encouragement and other forms of flattering feedback. Each one pretty much reinforcing the rest, all focusing on a few specific areas of their interaction with the company.
This was incredibly enlightening. I knew immediately this would be valuable insight to factor into the brief when working out the best strategy for the design of their Identity. It also seemed to spark a new level of motivation within themselves on the phone, it’s like they had just realised how much they were appreciated.
Logo Design Tip: Incorporate into your project brief
The short story version. If your clients have stellar feedback, even better if it’s received on a voluntarily basis, knowing how they are already perceived by existing clients is very valuable information. It means that you are not just taking the clients word at how great they are, but that you have firm proof about their existing perception and experience.
It needn’t be specific to a rebrand or an existing company, in this case they have been in business for some time, but have a new commercial product that needs to be branded. This means we can apply the success of their current business and emotionally build this into the DNA of the new product, somehow.
Sort of seems common sense, and in some cases this information usually turns up at some point during conversations, but for me it’s going to be a key part of my logo design brief.
So rather than it being ‘information to acquire’ it will be addressed right at the beginning, when you are first collating your thoughts and impressions on the new project.
Clearly not all clients will have this sort of client feedback but for those that do, it could prove very information to sift through and incorporate into the identity in some way.
Cover both bases
Would make sense to also ask if they have had any negative feedback and ask to see these, so at least you are aware of the full story. You never know, for every one good testimonial, they might have 2 negative ones. Last thing you want to do is be lead down the garden path.