archive: vignelli – Sharing Unpacked Artifacts from Massimo and Lella Vignelli’s Papers
This website from the Vignelli Center, the “archive:vignelli”, looks like it could be really quite interesting. Only a handful of images right now so definitely one to bookmark, follow, check back on.
archive: vignelli features artifacts from the Massimo and Lella Vignelli papers as they are unpacked and processed at the Vignelli Center for Design Studies. We will share the experience of processing a collection and the excitement of discovering never before seen sketches, models, products and documents.
Our goal is to provide unique insights to the Vignellis’ design process, philosophy and language. The Vignellis’ work includes graphic design, branding, publication design, architectural graphics, exhibition, interior, furniture and consumer product design.
Want to know one thing I came away with?
One doesn’t have to be a rockstar doodler to actually do doodles.
It’s quite a common thing for designers’ to feel slightly embarrassed about sketching up ideas, thoughts, directions let alone showing them to the world, or a client.
I always refer to my mess of sketches as the result of doodling on a crumpled up napkin before I show a client. This, I find, helps lower any possible expectations they might have been harbouring on being shown a work of art.
The idea is the work of art, not the medium it is shown on.
It can be a struggle to not keep feeling so conscious about your sketches, but will likely be the perfectionist in you. Don’t beat yourself up over this, because seriously, look at these sketches by Massimo, especially the egg holder one. The aim there was to show the concept, which is clear as day, not to get a gold-star for colouring within the lines.