Illustrated Tweets By @Irkafirka With Charley The German Shepherd

I have been tweeting that I could be getting another dog; specifically an adorable German Shepard that didn’t quite make the grade at the Metropolitan Police Dog Schoo

This made me laugh out loud.

I have been tweeting that I could be getting another dog; specifically an adorable German Shepherd that didn’t quite make the grade at the Metropolitan Police Dog School. I will be going up to have a look at her tomorrow for a meet and great with Dylan so will let you know how it all goes.

I then got a tweet from @Irkafirka, “Tweets illustrated for your delight and edification. Drawn by @pockless – curated by @chrisbell”, that had this marvelous illustration attached; a personalised drawing of Charley the German Shepherd.

Many thanks to for the lovely surprise; I just love the expression on her face. This is a fantastic, and I would assume quite a time consuming idea they they have going here. Have been looking through their archives which are well worth a look.