
Logomark for Sale: Provisionally titled, ‘Cranked’, this is a logomark that can be used for any number of bike themed applications. The over-the-top width of these symbolic cranks should help to create a nice link to a suitable brand name.


Client: Cranked, For Sale
Categories: Icon, Logomark, Vintage, For Sale

Provisionally titled, ‘Cranked’, this is a logomark that can be used for any number of bike themed applications. The over-the-top width of these symbolic cranks should help to create a nice link to a suitable brand name.

The sale of this logo, and it’s copyright (transfer of ownership from me to you) will include: addition of a brand name, colour options, letterhead and business card design.

If you are interested in buying this logotype, then please get in contact or visit Logo Designs For Sale, for further details.