Another Fucking Motivational Poster that Uses Fuck a Fucking Lot

Motivational Poster Design on Society 6

There’s this Reddit thread, based on this motivational poster, designed by Mike Winkelman aka Beeple, discussing the various merits and demerits of so called ‘motivational posters’ that use the Fuck word.

I for one like the word Fuck, and use it quite a bit in day-to-day use, but not in a vulgar crass way. Usually it’s a Fuck it, or Fuck that, kind of thing.


Motivational Poster Design


Anyway, you might find this motivational poster has a few to many fucks, but I like the general idea of it.

You can see it, and/or buy it from Society6 below:


Motivational Poster Design on Society 6


It’s also similar to the pretty well known website, and some say, the Original and Best: Good Fucking Design Advice

Good Fucking Design Advice




Reddit being Reddit, someone decided this wasn’t grammatically correct, so designed one that supposedly is, below.

I’m no grammar expert, so cannot vouch for it’s accuracy.

However, I’m not a fan of the fucking typography; more so the spacing and kerning leaves a lot to be desired.

So… here’s a quick one I knocked up: