
Happiest social media network app Logo Design for Sale Designed by Freelance Logo Designer The Logo SmithHappiest Happy Logo Designed by The Logo Smith


Recently completed logo and iPhone application icon design for Happiest: a social platform that rewards you for doing the things that make you happy.

Scope of the project: Word mark (below), iPhone iOS application icons and Twitter social media profile image.

The overall aim of this logo design was to create a word mark that would allow for the initial H to be pulled out and used on its own to represent the brand where the full word mark would be too long.

A simple baseline curve of the word mark creates a truly literal notion of happy/smiling whilst the curvy nature of the lettering creates an uplifting and welcoming feel.

In addition to orange being Happiest’s main brand colour I created this vibrant chequered background to really capture your attention. The colours gently change hue from deep red in the bottom left ascending to the yellow in the top right which simply represents the feel good aspect of the sun. I have also added some very subtle radiation gradients within each box.

This vibrant chequered background is used by the iPhone application icons and is designed to really sing out to you. Even the 16px favicon version really sings out to you.


Happiest Happy Logo Designed by The Logo Smith


Happiest Logo & Icon Designed by The Logo Smith