5 Phrases Of Massimo Vignelli is a gorgeous set of posters, entitled: Vignelli Forever, designed by Anthony Neil Dart set in Helvetica.
Anthony Neil Dart has designed one main poster summing up five well-known phrases, and quotes, by Massimo Vignelli, then a further five posters each displaying one of the five phrases.
These have been floating around for a few years now, but really do like them and felt another airing would be worthwhile.

Decided to keep the jpg files as high-resolution as possible, rather than downsampling, to keep the pretty small fine-print as legible as possible.
I’d really like to get my hands on a set of these, they look so smart!
The Vignelli Forever posters were originally found via AdWeek, in their Talent Gallery.
The five Massimo Vignelli phrases are:
- One life is too short for doing everything.
- We like design to be visually powerful, intellectually elegant and above all timeless.
- If you can design one thing, then you can design everything.
- If you do it right, it will last forever.
- The life of a designer is a life of fight against the ugliness.
5 Phrases Of Massimo Vignelli: Vignelli Forever Set in Helvetica by Anthony Neil Dart