Logo and Art: Famous Logos Merged with Classical Paintings by Eisen Bernard Bernardo
Logo and Art: An examination of art and consumerism; of expression and function; of personal and corporate.
Logo and Art is another wonderful logo study by graphic designer, Eisen Bernard Bernardo, based in Los Baños, Philippines. When I say, ‘another wonderful’, I mean that Eisen has based this famous logo project off the back of a previous project, called: Mag+Art.
Just when you think, well I think anyway, that there could not be any further ideas for logo mash-up’s and interesting logo side projects, you are proved wrong.
Eisen has taken a handful of popular and famous brand logo designs, and masterfully merged them with similarly themed classic paintings. The result is like a window through the brand logo, into a classic interpretation of the logo design.
Few of my favourites, where the chosen classic painting really stands out, and add’s so much more character to the logo, includes the Apple logo, and NASA logo.
Probably would have to say the NASA logo (below) is my favourite; it’s stunning.
Logo and Art: Famous Logos Merged with Classical Paintings by Eisen Bernard Bernardo
NASA Logo (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) + The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
Apple Logo + ‘The Son of Man‘ by René Magritte
British Petroleum Logo + ‘Three Sunflowers‘ by Vincent Van Gogh
CBS Television Logo + ‘The Desperate Man‘ (Self-Portrait) by Gustave Courbet
Shell Logo + ‘The Birth of Venus‘ by Sandro Botticelli
Puma Logo + ‘Scout Attacked by a Tiger‘ by Henri Rousseau
Starbucks Logo + ‘Self-portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird‘ by Frida Kahlo
Ferrari Logo + Napoleon Crossing the Alps by Jacques-Louis David
NBA Logo (National Basketball Association) + Gladiators by Leon-Maxime Faivre
Abercrombie & Fitch Logo + Le monarque de la meute by Rosa Bonheur
Playboy Logo + Young Hare by Albrecht Dürer
UNICEF + Madonna and Child in a landscape by Titian