Up and till recently I have relied on emailing the finished logo files to the client. The email would be a brief description of the files types and how they should be used. Especially important when there a combination of print quality vector files and the frumpy bitmap versions that a lot of clients end up using themselves.
All this has been fine; I have not had any reason to think about changing this method it until this little idea popped into my head. Whilst I was emailing my client some revised logo files, it suddenly occurred to me that I could create a master online repository for all of a clients logos using Dropbox.
The way I was imagining it; the client wouldn’t have to worry about keeping certain file types separate from each other, or trying to remember what file types should not go to a printers and all that crap. They would know that they could access a neatly arranged folder of their logo files as and when they needed.
In action
In my Dropbox folder I created a folder called ‘Client Logo Files‘ and then within that would be a folder for each client; this is the folder that would be shared with the client, for example ‘Skiplex’.
Within the client named folder–Skiplex–I then create a folder to contain each main type of file format with an obvious description as the folder name. So in this case, one folder is called ‘Master Printer Files‘ which would contain all the variations of the master Illustrator CS files and another folder is called ‘Transparent Bitmaps‘ which contains the various bitmap files.
In each of these file folders I then created a ‘Read Me‘ file which lists the type of files, how they should and should not be used with any other relevant information useful to the client and anyone else needing the files.
Once all the files were in place, I then went to the Dropbox website to set-up folder sharing for that client.
Logical and easy to manage
It seems such a logical way to manage your clients files and I’m sure many of you do something like this already. It feels great to have such a convenient and flexible system in place for the client. Now they don’t need to worry about keeping tabs of the files by email, they don’t need to keep remembering what files types do what; if they loose one they know where they can access the master files any time they wish.
There are a number of reasons why this Dropbox method is awesome: it looks super organised on your part, clients like organised suppliers; makes the client feel special because you have their very own logo depository on the internet; anyone can use this URL to retrieve the logo files, so if the client has a printer doing some stuff but the files have gone ‘missing’ then the printer can have direct access to the master files as the files are always available; it is convenient, Dropbox can easily be accessed on mobile devices, so the files are accessible anywhere and anytime; logistically it’s just easier to keep all the files updated if they are in one central location.
James Buckly left a comment with a reasonable scenario. The client could lose the Dropbox URL resulting in no access. Whilst this is true, it’s true of any other situation; we all loose things and it’s just a quirk of human nature.
I feel it’s better for a client to loose one URL than a handful of logo files, there is a sense of control when you only have to ask for one thing opposed to a number of things, it feels less problematic. The solution could be to send the URL on a few items of correspondance, maybe the invoice or any closing documentation that the client is likely to keep hold off.
You could even go as far as printing off a few special Dropbox URL cards for the client, making them less forgettable and more collectable.
Sign Up To Dropbox
If you are not using Dropbox then I really do suggest you give it a crack. All my working logo files are saved in my Dropbox folder which means that they are always available wherever I go. It’s also great to know that they are backed-up from your home computer, so no real worries about corrupted files or messed up hard drives.
If you do plan to check Dropbox out, I would be grateful if you would use this link: http://db.tt/JIgfY4p This is my Dropbox referral link, so if you decide to sign up I get a few extra Gigabytes of storage out of the deal.