Grand Central Station Anniversary Logo Design by Pentagram

New York City’s Grand Central Station turns 100 years old next year and the prolific team at Pentagram were tasked with the job of creating a new logo for the event.

Grand Central Station Anniversary LogoGrand Central Station Anniversary Logo

New York City’s Grand Central Station turns 100 years old next year, and the prolific team at Pentagram were tasked with the job of creating a new logo for the event.

In particular, the Grand Central Station Anniversary Logo was the work of designer duo: Michael Bierut and Joe Marieaek, who designed the new logo based on the clock that sits above the central information booth in the main concourse.

This celebratory logo is not a one time affair as it will continued to be used after the anniversary, but with the 100 Years wording dropped after 2013. Which is nice.

Not sure I have anything remarkable to say about it other than I do like it a lot, and nice to see Avenir being used for a high profile branding job rather than Gotham.

Source Pentagram

Grand Central Station Anniversary Logo

Grand Central Station Anniversary Logo

Daily Mail: ‘People who come to New York should enter a palace at the end of their ride and not a shed,’ describes the 1869 endorsement of plans for the proposed Grand Central Terminal.

‘The stranger who visits us for business or pleasure should be impressed by the magnificence of the great city upon his very entrance within its limits.’

And indeed, a palace of sorts still stands today and who better to provide a tour than Anthony Robins, co-author of ‘Grand Central Terminal: 100 years of a New York Landmark’, as the building marks its centenary on February 2nd 2013