Dodge Viper Logo is Duffy Duck Upside Down

You are now aware that the Viper logo is Daffy Duck’s face upside-down. The power of the viral post… Within seconds of this being tweeted last night, Twitter retweets and such like went through the roof. It’s an interesting image of course, but one wonders if this is purely accidental or possibly a sort of ‘easter egg’.

Dodge Viper Logo

Dodge Viper Logo

You are now aware that the Viper logo is Daffy Duck’s face upside-down. The power of the viral post, this case found on BuzzFeeed…

Within seconds of this being tweeted last night, Twitter retweets and such like went through the roof.

It’s an interesting image of course, but one wonders if this is purely accidental or possibly a sort of ‘easter egg’.

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